蔬菜包裝廠家   歡迎進(jìn)入山東國泰民灃包裝科技有限公司網(wǎng)站,專注紙托盤,瓦楞紙箱,蔬菜包裝,重型紙箱包裝制作廠家,實(shí)惠!


來源:http://jshqfj.cn 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-06-16

Packaging compressive strength refers to the load and deformation until the box is broken after the dynamic pressure is uniformly applied on the pressure testing machine. The overall performance of cartons is directly reflected here. Here is a simple introduction to the compressive strength of carton packaging.
The compressive strength of the carton body is affected by the following factors:
1. carton packaging is composed of various papers. Reasonable matching is the basic condition to ensure the compressive strength of cartons.
After testing the physical properties of each layer of paper, we can start to calculate the compressive strength of the carton, and then calculate the compressive strength of each process in the production process to control the compressive strength of the carton.
2. the annular compressive strength of the paper is very important to ensure the compressive strength of the carton, but other physical properties of the paper can not be ignored.
When the tensile strength of paper, especially corrugated paper, cannot be satisfied, the force value and deformation of carton packaging will always increase steadily in the compression test, while the effective energy value is low. The force value and deformation of carton packaging will always increase steadily in the compression test. The waterproof performance of paper is also very important. In particular, the box has high requirements for the waterproof performance of paper. Sometimes, although the compressive strength of the carton is very high, because the paper is not waterproof, the carton will absorb moisture in the cold storage and form a collapse.
3. the production process of packaging carton also has an impact on the compressive strength.
According to the test, under the same conditions, the compressive strength of the carton decreases by 90n~130n and the deformation is about 2mm for every 1mm of carton width If the pressing line is too wide, the carton packaging will form a carton packaging with each widening of 1mm, and make its deformation larger, with small effective energy value and large deformation. In order to ensure the compressive strength, we should strive to improve the production process and reduce the impact of various processes on the compressive strength of cartons.
4. it is also very important to select the appropriate ridge type according to the carton type.
It is generally believed that the larger the ridge, the higher the compression strength of the carton, and it is easy to ignore the influence of the ridge on the deformation. The larger the blank shape, the greater the compression strength and deformation of the carton; The smaller the ridge, the smaller the compression strength of the carton and the smaller the deformation. If the carton is too large and the ridge shape is very small, the carton is easy to collapse during the pressure and compression test; The carton is too small, but the shape of the cardboard is very large. During the compression test, the deformation will be too large, the cushioning process will be long, and the effective energy value is poor with the compression resistance of the carton.
5. the influence of moisture on the compressive strength of cartons should not be ignored.
The production environment, storage environment, use environment, climate, climate and other factors of the box have an impact on the moisture content of the box. In order to ensure the compressive strength of the box, try to avoid the impact of the external environment on the moisture content of the box.
相關(guān)標(biāo)簽: 重型紙箱廠家、瓦楞紙箱廠家托盤廠家、蔬菜包裝廠家

