蔬菜包裝廠家   歡迎進(jìn)入山東國(guó)泰民灃包裝科技有限公司網(wǎng)站,專(zhuān)注紙托盤(pán),瓦楞紙箱,蔬菜包裝,重型紙箱包裝制作廠家,實(shí)惠!


來(lái)源:http://jshqfj.cn 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-03-17

Corrugated box is a widely used packaging product. With its superior performance and good processing performance, it has gradually replaced wooden boxes and other transportation packaging containers and become the main force of transportation packaging. In addition to protecting commodities and facilitating storage and transportation, it can also play a role in publicizing commodities. So what should we pay attention to when designing the layout of corrugated box? Let's take you to Shenzhen carton factory.
Increase proofreading efforts. The layout of corrugated boxes is mostly printed with words. Generally, the layout errors of corrugated boxes are easy to be neglected, often more or less than a certain word or a wrong word. Once there are problems in the design layout and have not been corrected, the consequences will be unimaginable. During proofreading, proofreading and correction shall be carried out one by one, and strict control shall be carried out.
The overall layout should be reasonable. The overall layout of the corrugated box should be reasonable to prevent top heavy and bottom heavy. The font size should be moderate, the proportion should be coordinated, the printing position should be appropriate, and the distance from the edge of the corrugated box should be more than 20mm. Moreover, most enterprises have incomplete understanding of the printing quality of corrugated boxes, ignoring the marketability of packaging to a certain extent, improper font selection, imbalance of proportion and disorderly typesetting, which affect the beauty.
The printed graphic signs of corrugated boxes should be standardized. The graphic printing quality is not only limited to clarity and legibility, but also depends on whether they comply with the relevant provisions of national standards or laws and regulations.
The printability should be considered in the layout design of corrugated boxes, because the printing of corrugated boxes is generally three-color printing, and for corrugated boxes that need overprint. The position and size of the layout shall be strictly controlled in the design so that the color registration is accurate. If other colors are overprinted in one color, and no gap is required between colors, the accuracy of the enterprise printing press should be considered in the design, so that the layout of the two colors can be superimposed for printing, and the width of the superimposed part is the printing deviation of the printing press. In order to avoid the printing paste of corrugated box, under the condition of meeting the user's requirements, try to make the positive strokes thinner and the negative strokes thicker, which increases the interval between strokes and is not easy to cause printing blur.
The above is the detailed introduction of corrugated box manufacturers. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide service for you with our attitude http://jshqfj.cn
相關(guān)標(biāo)簽: 重型紙箱廠家瓦楞紙箱廠家、托盤(pán)廠家蔬菜包裝廠家、

